Useful Links

Below is a list of useful links providing you with additional information and supporting services.


Direct Gov – The UK Online website contains links to all local councils. Your local council can provide advice and information about homelessness and housing problems. Applying to join the local council’s housing register is the first step to finding a new home.

The Greater London Authority (GLA) – a top-tier administrative body for London. It consists of a directly elected executive Mayor of London and an elected 25-member London Assembly.  London intermediate housing policy and decisions are made by the GLA.

Homes England –  The Regulator of Social Housing (previously known as The Homes & Communities Agency) is the national housing and regeneration delivery agency for England. Their role is to create thriving communities and affordable homes. Individuals can find details of all Help to Buy agents across England on this site as well as other related information.

Shelter – Shelter help millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through their advice, support and legal services.

Citizens Advice – Citizens Advice Bureau operate nationally and provide advice on a wide range of topics, including housing. On the Citizens Advice web site you will find the names, addresses and opening hours of every CAB office.